Don’t just hire the first agent you talk to and have them sell your home. Ask them these questions first.

When you’re making a decision on who the right agent is to help you sell your home, here are a few questions that you should be asking to make sure:

1. How long have you been in the industry? This gives insight into the level of experience that an agent has.

2. What is your track record? How long does it take them, on average, to sell a property?

“A good agent should have a great track record.”

3. How many homes have you sold in the last six to 12 months?

4. What’s your list-to-sale price ratio? This number will give you an idea as to how much money you’ll actually receive when selling your home.

5. Do you have enough staff to support my needs? With the support of my team, I’m able to be out in the field working with buyers and sellers every day to get the results. Agents who don’t have a team of professionals often don’t have the time, resources, and experience necessary to bring you results in the timeline you’re looking for.

6. Do you have a preferred vendor list? This includes vendors who can provide you a high level of service that the agent has already vetted.

Hopefully these tips will make the process of choosing your agent much easier. I would love to apply for the job. If you have any questions for me in the meantime, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.